100 Rebus Puzzles  Subscribe E-mail  Words Bookshop  Link to this Site  Take Our Survey  Add to Favorites

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Answers to Puzzles 97 to 100

97: Over hill and down dale
98: Breakfast
99: Iron curtain
100: Leftovers

Several of the rebus puzzles on www.fun-with-words.com are used with the kind permission of Terry Stickels whose Frame Games© appear weekly in USA WEEKEND magazine as well as several published books.

So how did you do? You probably found that some of them were becoming harder as you progressed through the rebus puzzle pages. Most of them should have been quite simple once you got used to the cryptic methods used in encoding the rebus phrases and messages.

If you have any personal favourites that weren't in our collection - perhaps you know some really difficult cryptic rebus puzzles that require some serious lateral thinking to work out - then please send them to us. Just use the form at the bottom of this page.

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