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Wordplay Book Store

Here you can browse reviews of hundreds of books related to wordplay, words, puzzles, and the lighter side of language. The books are divided into categories, shown below. If you want to buy anything, with just a few clicks you can order any book from the world's most trusted online book shop Amazon (either in the US or the UK depending on your location).

General Wordplay Book Shelf
General wordplay books usually contain a bit of everything, and are great for dipping into if you enjoy Fun-with-words.com.
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Anagrams Book Shelf
Anagram books celebrating some the ingeneous creations that can be formed simply by rearranging the letters in a word or phrase.
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Palindromes Book Shelf
Through the books in our palindrome section you can explore the world of words and sentences that read the same both ways.
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Spoonerisms Book Shelf
Spoonerism books full of delightful slips of the tongue and metathesis. Find out more about the Rev. W. A. Spooner.
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Tongue Twisters Book Shelf
Tongue Twisters galore for kids and adults alike. Great for having fun and for speech therapy or actors' speech practice.
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Etymology Book Shelf
Many words have fascinating histories as these etymology books demonstrate. Let us guide you to the best available.
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Rebus Puzzles Book Shelf
Rebus puzzles & stories are like word puzzles but without words! Many of these books are aimed at children.
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Malapropisms Book Shelf
Malapropisms, Bushisms, Colemanballs… When famous people mess up, their words are immortalised in books like these.
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Mnemonics Book Shelf
In our mnemonics section you'll find plenty of tricks and techniques for improving your memory and spelling, etc.
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Oxymorons Book Shelf
Browse our books about oxymorons if you delight in those self-contradictory expressions like "jumbo shrimp".
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Word Records Book Shelf
There are many fascinating words, and the books on the word records shelf present various selections for our amusement.
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Nym Words Book Shelf
Nym words: Handy books of synonyms, antonyms, homonyms, heteronyms, homophones, homographs, and more.
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Ambiguities Book Shelf
You will find books about ambiguity here from puns and jokes to linguistic lexical and semantic ambiguity theories.
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Internet Lingua Book Shelf
The language of the internet can be baffling. These books clear it all up with guides to abbreviations, smileys, and internet terminology.
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Rhyming Slang Book Shelf
Slang - colorful language: one of the most fascinating and fast-changing areas of language. Books on rhyming slang, and more.
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Complete listing of all featured books.

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Wild Madagascar on BBC Two
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