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Oxymoron Example List

Here are our top 36 favourite oxymorons – oxymorons in a loose sense of the word:

open secret larger half clearly confused
act naturally alone together Hell's Angels
found missing liquid gas civil engineer
deafening silence seriously funny living dead
Microsoft Works military intelligence jumbo shrimp
Advanced BASIC tragic comedy unbiased opinion
virtual reality definite maybe original copies
pretty ugly same difference plastic glasses
almost exactly constant variable even odds
minor crisis extinct life genuine imitation
exact estimate only choice freezer burn
free love working holiday rolling stop

Your Funny Oxymorons

Here's a selection of some of the best oxymorons that have been sent to us by our visitors:

Great Depression free trade peacekeeper missile
sweet tart crash landing now then
butt head sweet sorrow student teacher
silent scream taped live alone together
good grief tight slacks living dead
near miss light tanks old news
hot chilli criminal justice peace force

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