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BORED? Play our free word gamesINTERACTIVE HANGMAN > Word Records Books > A Word A Day
A Word A Day: A Romp Through Some of the Most Unusual and Intriguing Words in English by Anu Garg Book ReviewBook ReviewBook ReviewBook ReviewBook Review
A Word A Day Garg has collected together a wealth of diverse and remarkable words, most of which you're sure not to know. The words are grouped in intriguing categories, each entry including a concise definition, etymology, and (often witty) usage example. The book begins "This is a book of words. But then, all books are books of words. This book is an expression of the joy of words, the magic of words, the music of words. It's a book arranged in many thematic bouquets, each bouquet collecting words of a kind." Throughout the book are sprinkled excerpts from the amusing logographic tales of Garg's "A Word A Day" readers, providing the finishing touch to a delightful book. Wordsmith and punster Richard Lederer described it as "a banquet of words! Feast and be nourished!"
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 > Word Records Books > Weird and Wonderful Words
Weird and Wonderful Words by Erin McKean and Roz Chast (Illustrator) Book ReviewBook ReviewBook ReviewBook ReviewBook Review
Weird and Wonderful Words Arranged alphabetically, this volume of unusual words defines terms from "aboulia" to "Zyrian". This book is as wonderful as the weird words in it. McKean, editor of Verbatim and a dictionary editor at Oxford, has culled all manner of words that either sound unusual or mean something unusual. Have you ever heard of an otacust or a gallnipper? Have you ever worbled or been exauctorated? If not, you are missing something. Word lovers everywhere will have a great deal of fun with this book. Whimsical black-and-white drawings are the highlights of the book. While amusing in their own right, they serve to illustrate the meanings of many of the words and their use in sentences. The volume concludes with sections on How to Create Your Own Weird and Wonderful Words, and an overview of Web sites that focus on the English language. Buy it and discover such gems as the "zedonk," the child of a donkey and a zebra!
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 > Word Records Books > Everything Scrabble
Everything Scrabble by Joe Edley and John D. Williams, Jr. Book ReviewBook ReviewBook ReviewBook ReviewBook Review
Everything Scrabble This book is a must for any true Scrabble fanatic. Written by the only person ever to win the US National Scrabble Championship more than once, it is packed with hints and tips on improving Scrabble technique for beginners and experts alike. This book opens with an introduction to the game, follows up with instruction on advanced play, and ends with valuable information for those preparing for tournament-level competition. But there's far more to this tome than the how-to material. Perhaps the most useful parts of the book are the reference lists of two- and three-letter words, words containing Q-without-U, and words containing other difficult-to-get-rid-of letters. With this book, beginners will easily double their average score and beat all their friends at Scrabble!
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