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Anagrams – Famous Names and Celebrities

Names of famous people are one of the favourite targets of anagrammers. Here's a few name anagrams for you to enjoy. The first is a list of anagrams from the world of politics.

George BushHe bugs Gore.1
President Bush of the USAA fresh one, but he's stupid.2
Osama bin LadenA bad man (no lies).3
The terrorist Osama Bin LadenArab monster is no idle threat.4
Saddam HusseinUN's said he's mad.5
The president of Iraq, Saddam HusseinPress had to enquire if this man's dead.6
MilosevicCos I'm evil.7
Adolf Hitler1. Do real filth.8
2. Heil, old fart!9
Monica LewinskyNice silky woman.10
Margaret ThatcherThat great charmer.11
Chairman MaoI am on a march.12
Emperor OctavianCaptain over Rome.13

The next group of anagrams of famous names consists mostly of celebrities from the entertainment world. From Elvis and Madonna to William Shakespeare and Homer Simpson, these anagrams show the amusing results of rearranging the letters in your name.

Elvis Aaron PresleySeen alive? Sorry, pal!15
Madonna Louise CicconeOne cool dance musician.16
Clint EastwoodOld West action.
The late George HarrisonSinger: Altogether a hero.17
Alec GuinnessGenuine class.18
The actress Mae WestCast me, sweethearts.19
William Shakespeare1. I am a weakish speller.
2. I'll make a wise phrase.20
3. He's like a lamp, I swear.
Madame CurieMe, Radium ace.21
Marilyn MansonManly man? No sir!22
Leornado da VinciDid color in a nave.23
Florence NightingaleAngel of the reclining.24
Nurse Florence NightingaleHeroine curing fallen gents.25
A Homer SimpsonMr Homo Sapiens.26
Giovanni PergolesiI love opera singing!27
Noël Coward isno Oscar Wilde.28
Yasmin Le BonMainly bones.29
Charles Lutwidge DodgsonSelect odd words, laughing.30
M. CaineCinema.31

More anagrams here:

  1. by Don P. Fortier.
  2. by Richard Grantham.
  3. by Larry Brash.
  4. by David Bourke.
  5. by Jaybur.
  6. by Meyran Kraus.
  7. by Larry Brash.
  8. by Meyran Kraus.
  9. by Jean Fontaine.
  10. by David Hubble.
  11. by William Tunstall-Pedoe.
  12. by Wayne Baisley.
  13. by Zoran Radisavlevic.
  14. by David N. Axford.
  15. by David Bourke.
  16. by David Bourke.
  17. by Larry Brash.
  18. by William Tunstall-Pedoe. Has also been attributed to Dick Cavett.
  19. by Larry Brash.
  20. by Richard Grantham.
  21. by Meyran Kraus.
  22. by Tom Myers.
  23. by David Byron.
  24. by Larry Brash.
  25. by Richard Grantham.
  26. by Daniel F. Etter.
  27. by Meyran Kraus.
  28. by Richard Grantham.
  29. by Adrian Hickford.
  30. by Adrian Hickford.
  31. by Zoran Radisavlevic.

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