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Sayings and clichιs have not escaped the attention of anagrammists!

These are some of the best ones. The author/discoverer is quoted in the footnotes where known.

The end of the World is nigh!Down this hole, frightened.1
The best things in life are free.Nail-biting refreshes the feet!2
A stitch in time saves nine.Is this meant as incentive?3
If at first you don't succeed......try deft, if cautious, second.4
One good turn deserves another.Do rogues endorse that? No, never!5
Rome wasn't built in a day...1. ...but laid in two years, man.6
2. ...but Italians may wonder.7
Rome was not built in a day.Any labour I do wants time.8
To cast pearls before swine.One's labor is perfect waste.9
Many a true word is spoken in jest.Men joke, and so win trusty praise.
The meaning of life.The fine game of nil.
Please hold the lineTelephone aids Hell.10
Time and tide wait for no man.Notified madman into water.
Say it with flowers.We flirt so this way.

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  1. by Donald L. Holmes.
  2. by Donald L. Holmes.
  3. by Tony Augarde.
  4. by Michael Jeans-Jakobsson.
  5. by J. Yeoman, 1929.
  6. by Daniel Austin, 1999.
  7. by Matthew Westcott, 1999.
  8. by "Navigator", 1999.
  9. by William Lutwiniak, 1940.
  10. by Daniel Austin, 1999.

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