BORED? Play our free word games – INTERACTIVE HANGMAN Tom Swifty Dictionary:
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- F -
| "I'm trying to get some air circulating under the roof," said Tom fanatically. | |
| "There's a high charge for supporters travelling by coach," said Tom with considerable fanfare. | |
| "Ein, zwei, drei, fünf," said Tom fearlessly. | |
| "The policeman charged me twenty bucks for speeding," said Tom finally. | |
| "This steamroller is amazing," said Tom flatteringly. | |
| "I'm falling into a void," said Tom flawlessly. | |
| "I've joined the navy," Tom said fleetingly. | |
| "Watch this insect sail through the air," said Tom flippantly. | |
| "I have three houses, and I'm going to buy another," said Tom forebodingly. | |
| "I'm about to hit the golf ball," Tom forewarned. | |
| "I won't finish in fifth place," Tom held forth. | |
| "Ignore the first three turnings," directed Tom forthrightly. | |
| "I bought myself fifty hamburgers and I've only ten left," said Tom with fortitude. | |
| "I have a split personality," said Tom, being frank. | |
| "We have no oranges," Tom said fruitlessly. | |
- G -
| "That young insect is female," said Tom gallantly. | |
| "I was absolutely vitrified," said Tom with a glazed look. | |
| "Someone bumped into me while I was brushing my teeth," said Tom with a gleam in his eye. | |
| "This food tastes of plutonium," said Tom glowingly. | |
| "For what we are about to receive, may the Lord make us truly thankful," said Tom gracefully. | |
| "Would anyone like some Parmesan?" asked Tom gratingly. | |
| "Once upon a time there was a beautiful princess," Tom began grimly. | |
| "I've got sand in my dinner," said Tom grittily. | |
| "It's become much bigger," said Tom with a groan. | |
| "I can eat one hundred and forty-four," Tom boasted grossly. | |
| "This game is foul," Tom groused. | |
| "I'm a lot taller than I was yesterday," said Tom gruesomely. | |
| "You must be my host," Tom guessed. | |
| "It's just gold leaf," said Tom guiltily. | |
| "I like Germany," was Tom's gut reaction. | |
- H -
| "The doctor had to remove my left ventricle," said Tom half-heartedly. | |
| "I can't march any more!" the soldier called haltingly. | |
| "I've still got two fingers left," said Tom handsomely. | |
| "I only have diamonds, clubs and spades," said Tom heartlessly. | |
| "I've gained thirty pounds," said Tom heavily. | |
| "It's my maid's night off," said Tom helplessly. | |
| "I was the first to climb Mount Everest," said Tom hilariously. | |
| "Nay!" said Tom hoarsely. | |
| "I have to keep these eggs warm," Tom said honestly. | |
| "The doctor had to remove a bone from my arm," said Tom humorlessly. | |
| "I cut off the bottoms of my Levis so they won't drag on the ground," said Tom hygienically. | |
| "Boy, that's an ugly hippopotamus!" said Tom hypocritically. | |
| "Doctor, why do you have to remove my womb?" asked Mary hysterically. | |
- I -
| "I see," said Tom icily. | |
| "Pass the playing cards," said Tom ideally. | |
| "That is a sick bird," said Tom illegally. | |
| "There's nothing wrong with demons," Tom said implicitly. | |
| "This bird hasn't got a beak," said Tom impeccably. | |
| "I brush my teeth several times a day," said Tom implacably. | |
| "That little devil didn't tell the truth," Tom implied. | |
| "I'm burning aromatic substances," said Tom, incensed. | |
| "He's a boring chap," said Tom indulgently. | |
| "Can I become a chorister?" Tom inquired. | |
| "I'm swimming in the middle of Paris!" shouted Tom insanely. | |
| "I'm not leaving the chapel until I finish this painting," said Michelangelo insistently. | |
| "I've borrowed my sister's camping gear," said Tom insistently. | |
| "I like camping," said Tom intently. | |
| "It's my personal magnetism," said Tom ironically. | |
- J -
| "Your Honour, you're crazy!" said Tom judgmentally. | |
| "The insect in William's hand is wearing a yarmulka!" said Tom jubilantly. | |
| "Let's eat kosher tonight," said Tom judiciously. | |
| "I like ragged margins," said Tom without justification. | |
- K -
| "My parents are called Billy and Nanny," Tom kidded. | |
| "I've run out of wool," said Tom, knitting his brow. | |
| "I wonder if this will unlock the palace gates," said Tom kinkily. | |
- L -
| "I have no recollection of the last twenty-four hours," said Tom lackadaisically. | |
| "No ellipses, parabolas or hyperbolas," said Tom laconically. | |
| "I think I've broken my leg ", reported Tom lamely. | |
| "She even flies her own jet," Tom leered. | |
| "It's a German song," Tom lied. | |
| "This Bud's for you," said Tom lightly. | |
| "Is it true that some animals will eat their own babies?" asked Tom literately. | |
| "I have lost all my Hungarian sheet music," said Tom listlessly. | |
| "Nobody has scored yet in the tennis game," said Tom lovingly. | |
| "I chop down trees for a living," said Tom lumberingly. | |
- M -
| "I'm just going to put these handcuffs on you," said Tom manically. | |
| "It's only average," said Tom meanly. | |
| "The average frequency of my voice is 160 Hz," said Tom in measured tones. | |
| "I have to fix the car," said Tom mechanically. | |
| "Thank you so much, Monsieur," said Tom mercifully. | |
| "Perhaps I will," said Tom with all his might. | |
| "The girl has been kidnapped," said Tom mistakenly. | |
| "I want a motorized bicycle," Tom moped. | |
| "We'll need a higher price at auction," Tom said morbidly. | |
| "The sun is rising," Tom mourned. | |
| "Another work week begins," said Tom mundanely. | |
| "I make the armour out of chain links," Tom replied by mail. | |
| "You won the bronze," said Tom meddlingly. | |
| "We need more people like Ronald Reagan and Ronald McDonald," said Tom moronically. | |
| "Sorry! I've accidentally pierced your cheek instead," said Tom mysteriously. | |
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