BORED? Play our free word games – INTERACTIVE HANGMAN Tom Swifty Dictionary:
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- N -
| "I told you not to ride that horse," Tom nagged. | |
| "That's nothing!" said Tom naughtily. | |
| "I haven't had my photographs developed yet," said Tom negatively. | |
| "Let's take a vacation in the south of France," said Tom nicely. | |
| "That just doesn't add up," said Tom, nonplussed. | |
| "I can't do it!" Tom said notably. | |
| "What's the value of a dollar bill?" asked Tom noteworthily. | |
- O -
| "What's a wide-angle lens?" asked Tom obtusely. | |
| "That horse looks like a good bet at 20 to 1," said Tom oddly. | |
| "Oops! There goes my hat!" said Tom off the top of his head. | |
| "Do you buy and sell stolen goods?" asked Tom offensively. | |
| "I've been feeding the crocodile," said Tom offhandedly. | |
| "I prefer trout to salmon," Tom said officiously. | |
| "I know which boyd gets the woym," said Tom in an oily voice. | |
| "The door's ajar," said Tom openly. | |
| "My bicycle wheel is damaged," said Tom outspokenly. | |
- P -
| "I swallowed some of the glass from that broken window," Tom said painfully. | |
| "I had an accident in the kitchen," said Tom with panache. | |
| "I've joined the Airborne Medical Corps," said Tom paradoxically. | |
| "There, there," was Tom's pat answer. | |
| "I've deduced that this is the right way," said Tom pathologically. | |
| "I'm waiting to see the doctor," said Tom patiently. | |
| "I didn't look at all!" Tom peeped. | |
| "I wish I had something to write with," Tom said pensively. | |
| "Has my magazine arrived?" Tom asked periodically. | |
| "3.14159265," Tom said piously. | |
| "Who's your favorite operatic tenor?" Tom asked placidly. | |
| "I've removed all the feathers from this chicken," said Tom pluckily. | |
| "It has zero height, zero width, and just a little depth," said Tom, stretching the point. | |
| "The exit is right there," Tom pointed out. | |
| "My pencil is blunt," said Tom pointlessly. | |
| "Where shall I plant these water lilies?" Tom pondered. | |
| "I haven't had any tooth decay yet," said Tom precariously. | |
| "I have a gift for you," said Tom presently. | |
| "That's already been taken care of," Tom pretended. | |
| "I'm just an ordinary soldier," Tom admitted privately. | |
| "Crosby is my favourite singer. Who is yours?" asked Tom probingly. | |
| "I teach at a university," Tom professed. | |
| "This movie will be very popular," Tom projected. | |
| "This is the real male goose," said Tom producing the propaganda. | |
| "I've stuck a pin through my nose," said Tom punctually. | |
| "The cat sounds as if she's happy now she's been fed," said Tom purposefully. | |
- Q -
| "I have to sing a run of eighth notes," said Tom quaveringly. | |
| "Are you homosexual?" Tom queried gaily. | |
| "This is where I keep my arrows," said Tom quiveringly. | |
| "This is the fastest way to get drunk," said Tom quixotically. | |
- R -
| "A dog bit me," said Tom rabidly. | |
| "Eating uranium makes me feel funny," said Tom radiantly. | |
| "I'm the world's most aggressive matador," Tom rambled. | |
| "What are these berries?" Tom rasped. | |
| "It's the quotient of two integers," said Tom rationally. | |
| "I'm embarrassed," Tom admitted readily. | |
| "I can see because I have actual visual organs," Tom realized. | |
| "Why do I have to strip naked again?" asked Tom rebuffingly. | |
| "I've thought of another exception," Tom rebutted. | |
| "I've never had a car accident," said Tom recklessly. | |
| "I couldn't believe there were 527,986 bees in the swarm!" Tom recounted. | |
| "I won't buy a circuit breaker," Tom refused. | |
| "It's time for the second funeral," Tom rehearsed. | |
| "OK, you can borrow it again," Tom relented. | |
| "I'm not going to give up anything this Easter," said Tom relentlessly. | |
| "I love hot dogs," said Tom with relish. | |
| "I have to check the score on this exam again," Tom remarked. | |
| "I've transferred my money back into a German bank account," Tom remarked with interest. | |
| "I've paid my annual subscription," Tom remembered. | |
| "I'd better repeat that SOS message," said Tom remorsefully. | |
| "My garden needs another layer of mulch," Tom repeated. | |
| "I'm taking this ship back into harbour," Tom reported. | |
| "How long will I have to wait for a table?" asked Tom without reservation. | |
| "I suppose I'll have to write my name again," said Tom resignedly. | |
| "This oar is broken," said Tom robustly. | |
| "I've an urgent appointment," said Tom in Russian. | |
| "I guess she fell off the motorcycle," said Tom ruthlessly. | |
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