BORED? Play our free word games – INTERACTIVE HANGMAN Tom Swifty Dictionary:
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Page 2 (F-M)
Page 3 (N-R)
Page 4 (S-Z)
- S -
| "I know what herb would taste nice with this," said Tom sagely. | |
| "You resemble a goat," said Tom satirically. | |
| "The seesaw is upside down," said Tom saucily. | |
| "So only one person arrived at the party before I did?" Tom second-guessed. | |
| "I won't tell you anything about my salivary glands," said Tom secretively. | |
| "Would you like to buy some cod?" asked Tom selfishly. | |
| "Boy, that's a bright star," said Tom seriously. | |
| "I just bought a woollen sweater," said Tom sheepishly. | |
| "Ought I to do this?" asked Tom with a shudder. | |
| "This looks like the fruit of the blackthorn," said Tom slowly. | |
| "I can take photographs if I want to!" Tom snapped. | |
| "Angel dust? Me? Never touch it!" Tom snorted. | |
| "Yes, I'm amazingly strongly built," said Tom soberly. | |
| "My bicycle wheel is melting," Tom spoke softly. | |
| "Some day, people will be able to file lawsuits against computers," said Tom soothingly. | |
| "The optician probably doesn't have my glasses ready yet," Tom speculated. | |
| "You don't see the point, do you?" asked Tom, stabbing in the dark. | |
| "Hey, you're on my foot!" said Tom standoffishly. | |
| "Boy, I wish the elevator were working," said Tom, staring up to the top. | |
| "Monaural and quadraphonic systems are exceptions," said Tom stereotypically. | |
| "I can see through the window," said Tom stiltedly. | |
| "Consult an investment broker," was Tom's stock answer. | |
| "I'm putting on my T-shirt, shorts, and sunglasses," Tom summarised. | |
| "That's especially stupid!" said Tom superciliously. | |
| "This salmon is excellent," said Tom superficially. | |
| "Don't you know my name?" asked Tom swiftly. | |
- T -
| "I work at a bank," said Tom tellingly. | |
| "I shall see to it well in advance," said Tom tenderly. | |
| "I have no idea," said Tom thoughtlessly. | |
| "Parsley, sage, rosemary," said Tom timelessly. | |
| "I was adopted," said Tom transparently. | |
| "I'm testing this boomerang," said Tom triflingly. | |
| "I punched him in the stomach three times," said Tom triumphantly. | |
- U -
| "The bank doesn't want me as a customer," said Tom unaccountably. | |
| "It's homemade soup," said Tom uncannily. | |
| "I don't know any shanties," said Tom unceasingly. | |
| "Have some shampoo," was Tom's unconditional offer. | |
| "I won't stand for painting," said Tom uneasily. | |
| "Don't nobody go teasin' he momma's momma with feather," said Tom ungrammatically. | |
| "Your trousers have come apart!" was Tom's unseemly comment. | |
| "I want to date other women," said Tom unsteadily. | |
| "Henry the Eighth!" said Tom unthinkingly. | |
| "No, I won't give you a note saying you're excused," said Tom unwaveringly. | |
| "I'm going to be intestate," said Tom unwillingly. | |
| "If I let go of the ceiling it will collapse," Tom upheld. | |
| "The lion has its head caught in the skylight," said Tom uproariously. | |
- V -
| "I feel so empty," said Tom vacuously. | |
| "I need an injection," Tom pleaded in vain. | |
| "I can tell which way the wind blows," said Tom vainly. | |
| "I invested in a hi-tech startup," Tom ventured. | |
| "Our local clergyman has a toothache," said Tom vicariously. | |
| "A spirit transported me from the couch to the chair," said Tom, visibly moved. | |
- W -
| "I wouldn't like anything but just that," said Tom wantonly. | |
| "Do you know the location?" asked Tom warily. | |
| "Eating garbage is a form of recycling, but I can't eat any more" said Tom wastefully. | |
| "I visit my parents every Sunday," said Tom weakly. | |
| "I don't like this Chardonnay," Tom whined. | |
| "Phew! I've just finished learning all Shakespeare's works," said Tom willfully. | |
| "Some you lose," said Tom winsomely. | |
| "This tooth extraction could take for ever," said Tom with infinite wisdom. | |
| "I wish I could remember the name of that card game," said Tom wistfully. | |
| "Stop, horse! Stop!" cried Tom woefully. | |
| "This must be an aerobics class," Tom worked out. | |
| "This is all from memory," Tom wrote. | |
| "I'm Irish," said Tom wryly. | |
- X -
| "Every last one of you is a wimp," said Tom xerophytically. | |
- Y -
| "You've got to be egging me on," yolked Tom. | |
| "I used lots of detergent in late December," was Tom's yuletide comment. | |
- Z -
| "Zo, what do you have for zale?" asked Tom zealously. | |
| "I can't eat any more lemon peel," said Tom zestfully. | |
| "Your fly is undone," was Tom's zippy rejoinder. | |
Tom Swifty Dictionary:
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Page 2 (F-M)
Page 3 (N-R)
Page 4 (S-Z)
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