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Klein's Comprehensive Etymological Dictionary of the English Language


by Ernest Klein

Klein's Comprehensive Etymological Dictionary of the English Language   Buy from Amazon UK Buy from Amazon in the UK
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Book Review

This is the most expensive dictionary of etymology in print. That said, you certainly get what you pay for. This is an exceedingly well-researched, well-written, comprehensive etymological dictionary, not to mention the superb binding (signature-sewn with a bonded-leather hardcover). It is probably a little beyond the budget of many personal users. For libraries, however, this volume is a must-have. Several hundred words previously defined as being "of unknown etymology" are fully analyzed, and this is the only comprehensive etymology that analyzes common first names, biblical and mythological characters, angels, saints and demons, and place names. Klein's work also provides thousands of medical, legal and scientific terms, as well as all roots and stems used to create compound English words. One reader, and acquaintance of the late author, wrote: "Dr. Klein possessed a quiet unassuming brilliance that shines through on every page of this dictionary. This Dictionary is an exhaustive and detailed etymology, with scholarship unrivalled in English." It is fortunate that the publishers have gone to the trouble of providing such sturdy binding and high quality paper/printing, for this book is going to get a lot of use in any library, private or public. Very highly recommended.

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