BORED? Play our free word games – INTERACTIVE HANGMAN > Ambiguities Books > Get Thee to a Punnery |
Get Thee to a Punnery by Richard, Lederer and Bill Thompson (Illustrator) |
The Pun Is Mightier Than The Sword... Richard Lederer has great puns. And you don't have to take vows to enjoy them. Just Get Thee To A Punnery and laugh yourself into a state of grace. Sinners will be punished with such gems as: Old Milkmaids never die - they just kick the bucket; Drunk drivers are people who put the quart before the hearse. Whether you like 'em hot or cool, straight-up or low-down, here are puns of every color, stripe and persuasion to suit your every whim. Even if you don't know that your humerus is your funny bone, this is the book for you.
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| > Ambiguities Books > The Best Book of Puns |
The Best Book of Puns by Art Moger |
As Oscar Levant said many years ago, "A pun is the lowest form of wit, especially if you didn't think of it first." In this lively collection you'll find a hilarious abundance of pun-ishment for the millions who can't resist giving a word or phrase a twist... and ammunition for many occasions from movie, TV and theatre wags; from the wits of Wall Street and Washington... the gems from poets and pundits and some of the bottom-of-the-barrel crumbs! Golf is like taxes. You drive hard to get to the green and wind up in the hole. A monastery in financial trouble decided to go into the fish-and-chips industry to raise revenues. One night a customer knocked on the door and a monk answered. "Are you the fishfriar?" the customer asked. "No," the robed figure replied, "I'm the chipmonk." The book also contains a PUNdix, a PUNabridged dictionary and a collection of the best... and worst... jokes in the world!
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| > Ambiguities Books > Lexical Ambiguity Resolution |
Lexical Ambiguity Resolution: Perspectives from Psycholinguistics, Neuropsychology, and Artificial Intelligence by Steven Small, Garrison Weeks Cottrell, and Michael Tanennaus (Editors) |
The most frequently used words in English are highly ambiguous; for example, Webster’s Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary lists 94 meanings for the word “run” as a verb alone. Yet people rarely notice this ambiguity. Solving this puzzle has commanded the efforts of cognitive scientists for many years. The solution most often identified is “context”: we use the context of utterance to determine the proper meanings of words and sentences. The problem then becomes specifying the nature of context and how it interacts with the rest of an understanding system. The difficulty becomes especially apparent in the attempt to write a computer program to understand natural language. Lexical ambiguity resolution (LAR), then, is one of the central problems in natural language and computational semantics research. A collection of the best research on LAR available, this volume offers eighteen original papers by leading scientists. Part I, Computer Models, describes nine attempts to discover the processes necessary for disambiguation by implementing programs to do the job. Part II, Empirical Studies, goes into the laboratory setting to examine the nature of the human disambiguation mechanism and the structure of ambiguity itself. A primary goal of this volume is to propose a cognitive science perspective arising out of the conjunction of work and approaches from neuropsychology, psycholinguistics, and artificial intelligence - thereby encouraging a closer cooperation and collaboration among these fields. Lexical Ambiguity Resolution is a valuable and accessible source book for students and cognitive scientists in AI, psycholinguistics, neuropsychology, or theoretical linguistics.
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| > Ambiguities Books > Word Sense Disambiguation |
Word Sense Disambiguation by Mark Stevenson |
The word "bat" can denote an animal, a sports apparatus, the blink of an eye, or more. While humans can select the appropriate meanings when hearing such words, Internet keyword searches and machine translations demonstrate that computers all too often fail at the process of Word Sense Disambiguation (WSD). This book provides an overview of the field, descriptions of novel research, accounts of previous approaches and methodologies, and an evaluation of a practical computer system that has been found to produce accurate disambiguation decisions in English.
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| > Ambiguities Books > Pun Demon I Am! |
Pun Demon I Am! by Alan Lewis and Frank Holmes |
This is a punster's compendium of witty delights. They are not the sort of puns that come out of cheap Christmas crackers. They don't make you groan. Or, at least, if you do groan at them, you do so with the sort of jealousy that says you wish you'd come up with that particular verbal play first. It was back in 1971 that Lewis began sending puns to The Sunday Times. Soon, one of his was chosen for publication: Telling bulls from cows is easy; If it's not one thing it's the udder. He was soon addicted to punning, and over the following years produced hundreds of them. In this book you will find six hundred of his best. The volume is illustrated by Frank Holmes.
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