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BORED? Play our free word gamesINTERACTIVE HANGMAN > Mnemonics Books > Demonic Mnemonics
Demonic Mnemonics: Eight Hundred Spelling Tricks for Eight Hundred Tricky Words by Murray Suid Book ReviewBook ReviewBook ReviewBook ReviewBook Review
Demonic Mnemonics This is an excellent learning resource and a must for all students and teachers of English. Demonic Mnemonics singles out eight hundred of the most misspelled words in our language and provides a simple aide memoire for each so that you'll never need to look it up in the dictionary again. The author also explains why the words have come to be spelled the way they are. Great for anyone who has trouble with spelling.
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 > Mnemonics Books > Medico Mnemonica
Medico Mnemonica: A Collection of Fun, Ribald, Irreverent and Quite Witty Mnemonics for Medical Students by E. S. Marlowe Book ReviewBook ReviewBook ReviewBook ReviewBook Review
Medico Mnemonica As the author says Medico Mnemonica "is remarkably useful for anybody studying medicine, nursing, dentistry, and many other health professions. It is the definitive source for medical memory aides." No one will know better than medical students themselves just how much material there is to remember for their examinations, and all those who have anything less than a perfect photographic memory will hail Marlowe's collection of mnemonics as a Godsend. The author describes himself as the "Roget or Webster of [Medical] Mnemonics" and also points out that the impregnable plastic wrap in which his copy was packaged makes it the perfect ice scraper for his car!
Books: Medico Mnemonica Buy from Amazon in the UK Books: Medico Mnemonica Buy from Amazon in the US
 > Mnemonics Books > The Art of Memory
The Art of Memory by Frances A. Yates Book ReviewBook ReviewBook ReviewBook ReviewBook Review
The Art of Memory This book explores the Art of Memory far more deeply than simply the techniques used for memory improvement alone. The tale begins with a description of Simonides' loci method of mnemonics. Yates' book is very well researched and contains a wealth of information about the history of this subject which is a page-turner for anyone with an interest in this area. It was described by one reviewer as "a thought-provoking journey with patient reflection."
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 > Mnemonics Books > Power Spelling
Power Spelling: Ready-to-Use Lessons, Activities, and Memory Tools to Help Your Students Master Any Word by Linda Skerbec Book ReviewBook ReviewBook ReviewBook ReviewBook Review
Power Spelling For all teachers of English/language arts, here is an exciting new multisensory activities program that gives students all of the skills they truly need to learn spelling as well as powerful tools that will help them remember every word they meet! At the heart of this program is THE POWER SPELLING PLAYBOOK – 36 illustrated, reproducible lessons that teach students how to use seven Power Spelling Skills and Memory Tools to organize and learn words and retain spelling for a lifetime. Recommended for parents too.
Books: Power Spelling Buy from Amazon in the UK Books: Power Spelling Buy from Amazon in the US
 > Mnemonics Books > Mnemonics & More for Psychiatry
Mnemonics & More for Psychiatry by David J. Robinson , MD Book ReviewBook ReviewBook ReviewBook ReviewBook Review
Mnemonics & More for Psychiatry This book provides mnemonics (memory aids) for the following areas: Major Psychiatric Disorders, Personality Disorders, Interviews and Assessments, Cognitive Functions, Medical Disorders, Medication Indications and Side Effects, and other Special Topics. The information is presented in a highly readable and enjoyable manner. This book is useful for exam review, as a handy reference during clinical rotations. Dr. Robinson's uses humour to make the witty mnemonics particularly easy to remember.
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 > Mnemonics Books > The Memory Book
The Memory Book by Harry Lorayne and Jerry Lucas Book ReviewBook ReviewBook ReviewBook ReviewBook Review
The Memory Book Unleash the hidden power of your mind through Harry Lorayne and Jerry Lucas's simple memory system, and you can become more effective, more imaginative, and more powerful, at work, at school, in sports and play. Discover how easy it is to: file phone numbers, data, figures, and appointments right in your head; learn foreign words and phrases with ease; read with speed – and greater understanding; shine in the classroom – and shorten study hours; dominate social situations, and more. A fantastic memory-improvement book.
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 > Mnemonics Books > Medical Acronyms, Eponyms, Mnemonics
Medical Acronyms, Eponyms, Mnemonics by Kimberly N. Jones Book ReviewBook ReviewBook ReviewBook ReviewBook Review
This concise pocket-sized medical terminology reference book is designed for medical professionals either in training or in practice. It provides very quick answers to the many nomenclature problems that are typically encountered every day, and it avoids the unnecessary bulk of a medical dictionary. The large mnemonics section is categorized by subject matter, and is especially useful when preparing for exams. It is written for medical students, interns, residents, nursing students, nurses, physician assistants, and any related health care professionals/students.
Books: Medical Acronyms, Eponyms, Mnemonics Buy from Amazon in the UK Books: Medical Acronyms, Eponyms, Mnemonics Buy from Amazon in the US

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