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Slang and Euphemism

A Dictionary of Oaths, Curses, Insults, Sexual Slang and Metaphor, Racial Slurs, Drug Talk, Homosexual Lingo, and Related Matters

by Richard A. Spears

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Book Review

A lexicon of "improper" English. From slang terminology describing various bodily functions and sexual acts to the centuries-old cant of thieves and prostitutes to the language of the modern drug culture, here are 10,000 entries and 32,000 definitions of all the words and expressions so carefully omitted from the standard dictionaries and polite conversation. Extensively cross-referenced for easy access, this third revised and abridged edition contains almost 1,500 new entries and definitions. It also includes geographic location where a particular word of phrase is most likely to be heard, the time period of greatest usage, the source and derivation, and the category to which the word or phrase belongs - slang, euphemism, cant, colloquialism, etc. So whether you're a writer seeking to create a more authentic dialogue, a crossword-puzzle addict in search of an obscure eighteenth-century expression, or a reader interested in the more colorful aspects of language, you'll find that a wealth of words awaits you in Slang and Euphemism, Third Revised Edition. Here are the most up-to-date curses, insults, ethnic slurs, sexual slang, metaphors, drug talk, street slang, college lingo, cant, colloquialisms, and other outlandish words. You'll find it all in this comprehensive, unabashed, and definitive reference for anyone who "wants a good knowledge of contemporary cussing."

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