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A Word A Day

A Romp Through Some of the Most Unusual and Intriguing Words in English

by Anu Garg

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Book Review

Garg has collected together a wealth of diverse and remarkable words, most of which you're sure not to know. The words are grouped in intriguing categories, each entry including a concise definition, etymology, and (often witty) usage example. The book begins "This is a book of words. But then, all books are books of words. This book is an expression of the joy of words, the magic of words, the music of words. It's a book arranged in many thematic bouquets, each bouquet collecting words of a kind." Throughout the book are sprinkled excerpts from the amusing logographic tales of Garg's "A Word A Day" readers, providing the finishing touch to a delightful book. Wordsmith and punster Richard Lederer described it as "a banquet of words! Feast and be nourished!"

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