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The Rails I Tote

Forty-Five Illustrated Spoonerisms to Decipher

by Christopher Manson

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Book Review

Manson's The Rails I Tote is a collection of almost fifty short spoonerism stories. Each is accompanied by an illustration. In the illustrations, you have to find the hidden spoonerisms. The title of each short story, and the stories themselves lend clues as to what the spoonerisms are. For example, there's one picture showing a scientist tying little tags to the bodies of a swarm of bees. The title of the related story is In Hot Water. So bee tags becomes tea bags, and that is the solution. The book features the writing of Roy Blount, Jr., John D. MacDonald, Peter Schickele, Elmore Leonard, Stephen King, Anna Quindlen, Tony Hillerman, and Peter Straub.

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