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The Best Book of Puns

by Art Moger

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Book Review

As Oscar Levant said many years ago, "A pun is the lowest form of wit, especially if you didn't think of it first." In this lively collection you'll find a hilarious abundance of pun-ishment for the millions who can't resist giving a word or phrase a twist... and ammunition for many occasions from movie, TV and theatre wags; from the wits of Wall Street and Washington... the gems from poets and pundits and some of the bottom-of-the-barrel crumbs! Golf is like taxes. You drive hard to get to the green and wind up in the hole. A monastery in financial trouble decided to go into the fish-and-chips industry to raise revenues. One night a customer knocked on the door and a monk answered. "Are you the fishfriar?" the customer asked. "No," the robed figure replied, "I'm the chipmonk." The book also contains a PUNdix, a PUNabridged dictionary and a collection of the best... and worst... jokes in the world!

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