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A Curious Dictionary of Language Oddities

by Chris Cole

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Book Review

This is a book of statistics, tables, and charts of wordplay. But it is far from dull. There is every conceivable type of word puzzle and letterplay between the covers of this volume. For example, Cole makes it easy to discover what the shortest word is that begins and ends with the same letter, for each letter of the alphabet. What is the longest common word containing most consecutive letters in the alphabet after C? You can easily look up the answer: "disenfranchising" What word repeats S most? The answer: possessionlessnesses. For a word or a puzzle fan, this is a must. There is much more than raw word data, though; you will find pronunciation guides, etymologies, definitions, histories, and several self-contained essays on a wide variety of wordplay subjects. A must for any word lovers bookshelf.

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