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The Great Show-And-Tell Disaster

by Mike Reiss and Mike Cressy (Illustrator)

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Book Review

What has made BRIAN into a BRIAN and turned poor KRISTEN into a STINKER? When a young inventor named Ned realises he doesn't have anything for show-and-tell, he whips up something unique from the odds and ends in his closet. The Result is a device that scrambles the letters in a word, changing the object into something else entirely. It's bad enough that he changes his AUNT into a TUNA and the PEAS and GRAPES at the local grocer's into APES with PAGERS, but when he uses his device on his classmates and his unsuspecting teacher, he pushes things too far. Following a BUS ride (well a SUB ride actually) and a disastrous field trip to an art museum, Ned realises that he hasn't been kind. So putting his inventive mind to work, he comes up with an ingenious solution to fix all the trouble he's caused.

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