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NTC's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions

by Richard A. Spears

NTC's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions   Buy from Amazon UK Buy from Amazon in the UK
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Book Review

This compact and well-formatted book features more than 8,500 contemporary slang and informal expressions. With 800 more entries than the previous edition, this third edition includes street slang, popular culture terms, and the telegraphic language peculiar to the Internet. Arranged alphabetically, entries include usage information, slang type or source, and additional information about whether the term is, e.g., objectionable, derogatory, or standard English. The entries for some "difficult or unpredictable" words may include pronunciation information. The alphabetic arrangement is augmented by a phrase-finder index and Go to/See also references. If you don't know the meaning of expressions such as "Baldwin" (a good-looking male), "Vietnik" (someone who opposed the Vietnam War), or "face time" (time spent face to face with someone), this book will explain. Some more obvious terms such as "nervous Nellie" (any nervous person), "naw" (no), "what the heck" (it doesn't matter), and "square" (old-fashioned) are included too. And now available in softback, this volume represents a great value-for-money addition to your bookshelf.

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