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Cockney Rabbit

A Dick 'N' 'Arry of Rhyming Slang

by Ray Puxley

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Book Review

Puxley's book is a splendid dictionary (Dick 'n' 'Arry) listing hundreds of Cockney Rhyming Slang terms, both familiar and obscure, with their meanings. Cockney Rabbit does not shy away from the more crude entries (of which there are plenty) and includes many swear words, with their Cockney equivalents. If you don't already know the relevance of the word "rabbit" in the title, "rabbit and pork" is rhyming slang for "talk" (and is variously used to mean "speech", "conversation", etc.). Who started Cockney rhyming slang and why we'll never know, but whoever it was couldn't possibly have known the verbal monster created would be still growing centuries later. This collection of the old, familiar expressions of the ever popular East End vernacular is arranged in a Cockney to English and English to Cockney dictionary.

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