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The Synonym Finder

by J.I. Rodale, Laurence Urdang, and Nancy LaRoche (Editors)

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Book Review

This reference contains over 1,000,000 (yes, a million) synonyms arranged alphabetically, including clearly labelled slang and other informal words and expressions, as well as rare, archaic, scientific and other specialized terms. This is undoubtedly the best thesaurus available: well laid out, incredibly easy to use, and with the largest selection of words and synonyms of any thesaurus available. If you're looking to buy your first thesaurus, this is thoroughly recommended. But do not buy the paperback edition; even if you're not a professional writer, you will find that you refer to this book so often that eventually a paperback copy would need replacing. And with almost 1,500 pages, it represents fantastic value for money too.

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