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The Very Best of British

by Mike Etherington

The Very Best of British   Buy from Amazon UK Buy from Amazon in the UK
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Book Review

A fun look at the differences between British and American English. Written by the British bloke who moved to Tossa Lane, Austin, Texas. This humorous and informative book is a must for anyone who needs to translate from American to English. It is illustrated with amusing cartoons, and includes Cockney Rhyming Slang. For those in the US, whether you are planning a trip to England, studying English at school, have a British pen pal or just want to converse with Brits, this book is the ideal companion. Over 1,000 words, phrases and expressions you thought were the same in US and across the pond in Blighty, are all explained. Learn why, when visiting England, you should never mention your fanny pack, why you might not want to stay at Her Majesty's pleasure and why it would be OK to bum a fag! Discover the joys of black pudding & yorkshire pudding and maybe taste your first faggot! Find out that UK braces are US suspenders and UK suspenders are US garter belts and why the ladies should always wear pants. Never again confuse your arse with your ass or a cake with your buns. Know your jumper from your cardie and your pullover from your jersey, remove your cagoule when you come for a butchers but definitely don't go the full monty! In fact it can get so cold you'll want to wear your muffler!

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