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Medico Mnemonica

A Collection of Fun, Ribald, Irreverent and Quite Witty Mnemonics for Medical Students

by E. S. Marlowe

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Book Review

As the author says Medico Mnemonica "is remarkably useful for anybody studying medicine, nursing, dentistry, and many other health professions. It is the definitive source for medical memory aides." No one will know better than medical students themselves just how much material there is to remember for their examinations, and all those who have anything less than a perfect photographic memory will hail Marlowe's collection of mnemonics as a Godsend. The author describes himself as the "Roget or Webster of [Medical] Mnemonics" and also points out that the impregnable plastic wrap in which his copy was packaged makes it the perfect ice scraper for his car!

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