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More Bible in Cockney

Prophets, Proverbs and Pioneers

by Mike Coles

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Book Review

The follow up to "The Bible in Cockney" translates more parts of the Bible into cockney rhyming slang and includes a glossary of slang words at the back of the book. Here we take a butcher's (look) at some of the proverbs and psalms as well as the Ding Dong of Ding Dongs (Song of Songs). It features profiles of some of the Old Testament prophets like Isaiah, Jeremiah and Ezekiel who got in a right two and eight (state), because of the way the Israelites worshipped dodgy idols, and a complete translation of the Captain Hook (book) of Acts into cockney. Potential readers could be those involved in leading informal church worship, teachers, youth leaders and parents of teenagers.

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