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Books on Words, Wordplay, & Language
Total 141 titles
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- The Game of Words / Willard R. Espy / 1579123244
- A Word A Day / Anu Garg / 0471230324
- Homophones and Homographs / James B. Hobbs / 0786406100
- The Synonym Finder / J.I. Rodale, Laurence Urdang, and Nancy LaRoche (Editors) / 0878572368
- NetLingo / Erin Jansen and Vincent James / 0970639678
- A Dictionary of Rhyming Slang / John Ayto / 0192801228
- Klein's Comprehensive Etymological Dictionary of the English Language / Ernest Klein / 0444409300
- The Cambridge Encyclopedia of The English Language / David Crystal / 052182348X
REVIEW: Read the full review of The Cambridge Encyclopedia of The English Language.
- My Gonads Roar / Richard Napier / 0571243940
- Anagram / Philip Parker / 0497121409
- Anagrams / Chambers / 0550102981
- Dictionary of Confusable Words / Adrian Room / 1579582710
- Oxford Dictionary of English Etymology / Charles T. Onions (Editor) / 0198611129
- Chambers Dictionary of Etymology / Robert K. Barnhart (Editor) / 0550142304
- Zo's Palindromes / Derek Chin and Diana Chin / 1403361967
- Six Sick Sheep / Joanna Cole, Stephanie Calmenson, and Alan Tiegreen (Illustrator) / 0688111408
- Ryhming Riddles and Tons of Tongue Twisters for Miles of Smiles / Edith Namm / 1403358532
- One-Minute Motivators / Ruth Paskiewicz / 1568222335
- The Unabridged Devil's Dictionary / Ambrose Bierce / 0820324019
- The Devil's Dictionary / Ambrose Bierce / 0195126270
- The Story of Webster's Third / Herbert C. Morton / 0521558697
- The Best of An Almanac of Words at Play / Willard R. Espy / 0877791457
- Weird and Wonderful Words / Erin McKean and Roz Chast (Illustrator) / 0195159055
- The Dictionary of Wordplay / Dave Morice / 0915924978
- Cockney Rabbit / Ray Puxley / 0860518272
- Fresh Rabbit / Ray Puxley / 1861052219
- The Encyclopedia of Word and Phrase Origins / Robert Hendrickson / 0816032661
- Barnhart Concise Dictionary of Etymology / Robert K. Barnhart / 0062700847
- Get Thee to a Punnery / Richard, Lederer and Bill Thompson (Illustrator) / 0941711080
- Language and the Internet / David Crystal / 0521802121
REVIEW: Read the full review of Language and the Internet.
- Introducing Linguistics / R. L. Trask and Bill Mayblin / 1840461691
REVIEW: Read the full review of Introducing Linguistics.
- Of Anagrams / Henry Benjamin Wheatley / 1110883153
- Eats, Shoots and Leaves: The Zero Tolerance Approach to Punctuation / Lynne Truss / 1592400876
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REVIEW: Read the full review of Eats, Shoots and Leaves: The Zero Tolerance Approach to Punctuation.
- Eats, Shoots and Leaves: The Zero Tolerance Approach to Punctuation / Lynne Truss / 1861976127
REVIEW: Read the full review of Eats, Shoots and Leaves: The Zero Tolerance Approach to Punctuation.
- The Bible in Cockney / Mike Coles / 1841012173
- More Bible in Cockney / Mike Coles / 1841012599
- Biblia Anagrammatica / Walter Begley / 156459016X
- The Great Show-And-Tell Disaster / Mike Reiss and Mike Cressy (Illustrator) / 0843176806
- Palindromes and Anagrams / Howard W. Bergerson / 0486206645
- Who Ordered the Jumbo Shrimp? / Jon Agee / 0062051598
- Palindromania! / Jon Agee / 0374357307
- Oh Say Can You Say? / Dr Seuss / 0394842553
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- Creepy Crawly Critters / Nola Buck, Laura Godwin, and Sue Truesdell (Illustrator) / 0613003314
- Great Rebus Puzzles / Steve Ryan / 080691811X
- Carnival of Wit / Leo Rosten / 0452270995
- Demonic Mnemonics / Murray Suid / 0822464640
- Medico Mnemonica / E. S. Marlowe / 1570661863
- The Art of Memory / Frances A. Yates / 0226950018
- The Dictionary of Synonyms and Antonyms / Alan Spooner (Editor) / 0198602863
- Wan2Tlk? / Gabrielle Mander / 0312286694
- The Dictionary of American Slang / Robert L. Chapman / 006270107X
- NTC's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions / Richard A. Spears / 0844204625
- The Very Best of British / Mike Etherington / 0953696812
- Slang American Style / Richard A. Spears / 0844209074
- Dictionary of Word and Phrase Origins / William Morris and Mary Morris (Editors) / 006015862X
- The Best Book of Puns / Art Moger / 0806510978
- Mind Ticklerz Word Games / Charles Timmerman / 1598697196
- George W. Bushisms / Jacob Weisberg / 0743222229
- More George W. Bushisms / Jacob Weisberg / 0743225198
- Still More George W. Bushisms / Jacob Weisberg / 0743251008
- The Anagram Dictionary / Micheal Curl / 0709058640
- The Anagrammed Bible / Richard Brodie and Michael Keith / 0970214804
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- Sit on a Potato Pan, Otis! / Jon Agee / 0374318085
REVIEW: Read the full review of Sit on a Potato Pan, Otis!.
- Mad Amadeus Sued a Madam / Allan Miller, Lee Lorenz (Illustrator) and Roger Angell (Introduction) / 1567920772
- Too Hot to Hoot / Marvin Terban and Giulio Maestro (Illustrator) / 089919320X
- The Little Giant Book of Tongue Twisters / Joseph Rosenbloom and Mike Artel / 080690951X
- Super School Side-Splitters / Quinlan Lee and Clive Scruton (Illustrator) / 0694016802
- 7 Word Puzzle Fun Books / Dover Little Activity Books / 0486297497
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- Power Spelling / Linda Skerbec / 0130408840
- Eight Ate / Marvin Terban and Giulio Maestro (Illustrator) / 0899190863
- Chambers Dictionary of Synonyms and Antonyms / Martin H. Manser (Editor) / 0550105689
- Dictionary of British and American Homophones / Stephen N. Williams / 0851730116
- Super Smileys / Pleasant Company Publications / 158485071X
- Text Me / Random House / 0553375962
- The Cyberspace Lexicon / Bob Cotton and Richard Oliver / 0714832677
- Wicked Cockney Rhyming Slang / Betty Kirkpatrick / 1854793861
- Divided by a Common Language / Christopher Davies and Jason Murphy / 0966094573
- Slang and Euphemism / Richard A. Spears / 0451203712
- Dictionary of Word Origins / Jordan Almond / 0806517131
- The Clan of the Flapdragon and Other Adventures in Etymology / Richard McKee / 0817308814
- Jumbo Shrimp / Bruce Fein and John Accurso / 0974504904
REVIEW: Read the full review of Jumbo Shrimp.
- The Cambridge Encyclopedia of The English Language / David Crystal / 0521530334
REVIEW: Read the full review of The Cambridge Encyclopedia of The English Language.
- I Love Me, Vol. I / Michael Donner / 1565121090
- Ana Nab a Banana / Craig Hansen / 0452273129
- Some Smug Slug / Pamela Duncan Edwards and Henry Cole (Illustrator) / 0064435024
- Four Famished Foxes and Fosdyke / Pamela Duncan Edwards and Henry Cole (Illustrator) / 006443480X
- Clara Caterpillar / Pamela Duncan Edwards and Henry Cole (Illustrator) / 0060289961
- The Worrywarts / Pamela Duncan Edwards and Henry Cole (Illustrator) / 0064435164
- Dinorella / Pamela Duncan Edwards and Henry Cole (Illustrator) / 0786811730
- Rebus Treasury / Highlights for Children / 156397777X
- Rebus Treasury II / Highlights for Children / 1563970635
- Medical Acronyms, Eponyms, Mnemonics / Kimberly N. Jones / 0965116263
- Mnemonics & More for Psychiatry / David J. Robinson , MD / 189432806X
- The Memory Book / Harry Lorayne and Jerry Lucas / 0345410025
- Making the Alphabet Dance / Ross Eckler / 0312155808
- Wordplay / Chris Cole / 0806917970
- Webster's Synonyms, Antonyms and Homonyms / Joyce O'Conner and Enid Pearsons (Editors) / 0517063662
- Smileys / Doherty Sanderson and David W. Sanderson / 1565920414
- Concise Oxford Dictionary of English Etymology / T.F. Hoad (Editor) / 0192830988
- Word Sense Disambiguation / Mark Stevenson / 1575863901
- Lexical Ambiguity Resolution / Steven Small, Garrison Weeks Cottrell, and Michael Tanennaus (Editors) / 0934613508
- Everything Scrabble / Joe Edley and John D. Williams, Jr. / 0671042181
- English Words / Robert Stockwell and Donka Minkova / 0521793629
REVIEW: Read the full review of English Words.
- Go Hang a Salami, I'm a Lasagna Hog! / Jon Agee / 0374334730
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- So Many Dynamos! / Jon Agee / 0374224730
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REVIEW: Read the full review of So Many Dynamos!.
- A Man, A Plan... 2002; The Year in Palindromes / Mark Saltveit / 097187140X
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- The Dead Sea Scroll Palindromes / Howard Richler (Editor), Danny Shanahan (Illustrator) and Pierre Billon / 1895854490
- Psyduck's Tongue Twisters / Hajime Yume, William Flanagan, Gerard Jones, and Kagemaru Himeno (Illustrator) / 1569314187
- 1,001 Baseball Quips and Quotes / Glenn Liebman / 0517220857
- Dictionary of Word Origins / John Ayto / 1559702141
- Pun Demon I Am! / Alan Lewis and Frank Holmes / 1871615240
REVIEW: Read the full review of Pun Demon I Am!.
- The Landscape of Place-Names / Margaret Gelling and Ann Cole / 1900289261
REVIEW: Read the full review of The Landscape of Place-Names.
- The Street Names of England / Adrian Room / 1871615208
REVIEW: Read the full review of The Street Names of England.
- Busy Buzzing Bumblebees / Alvin Schwartz and Paul Meisel (Illustrator) / 0064440362
- Giggle Fit / Joseph Rosenbloom and Steve Harpster (Illustrator) / 1402701225
- The World's Greatest Collection of Knock Knock Jokes and Tongue Twisters / Bob Phillips / 1557486506
- Rebus Word and Picture Puzzles / Victoria Fremont and Ted Lavash / 048628560X
- English Synonyms and Antonyms / Rosalind Fergusson / 0140511687
- Slanguage / Mike Ellis / 0786885203
- 2107 Curious Word Origins, Sayings and Expressions / Charles Earle Funk / 0883658453
- Between You and I / James Cochrane / 1840464836
REVIEW: Read the full review of Between You and I.
- Stoopnagle's Tale Is Twisted / Keen James / 1891135031
- Marital Bliss and Other Oxymorons / Joe Kohl and Cliff Carle (Editor) / 0918259754
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- Pretty Ugly / Warren S. Blumenfeld and Lisa Amoroso (Illustrator) / 0399514937
- You Said a Mouthful / Roger Karshner / 0940669153
- Rhyming Cockney Slang / Jack Jones / 0902920049
- Palindromes and Anagrams / Howard W. Bergerson / 0486206645
- Elvis Lives / Jon Agee / 0374321272
- Spoonerisms, Sycophants, and Sops / Donald Chain Black / 0060158867
- Jumbo Shrimp / Warren S. Blumenfeld / 039951306X
- Warm Voices Rearranged / Brandan Kearney and Gregg Turkington / 0965618358
REVIEW: Read the full review of Warm Voices Rearranged.
- The Rebus Book / Martin Greif / 0806938269
- The Rails I Tote / Christopher Manson / 0805001131
- Bred Any Good Rooks Lately? / James Charlton and Mary Kornblum (Illustrator) / 0440214580
- Spooner / William Hayter / 0491016581
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- Freezer Burn / Laine Vilensky, David Holmes and Jeff MacNelly / 0345365704
- Santa's Short Suit Shrunk / Nola Buck, Laura Godwin, and Sue Truesdell (Illustrator) / 0613120663
- Elmo's Tricky Tongue Twisters / Sarah Albee and Maggie Swanson (Illustrator) / 0307988716
- World's Toughest Tongue Twisters / Joseph Rosenbloom and Dennis Kendrick (Illustrator) / 0806965967
- She Sells Seashells / Grace Kim and Patricia Hammel (Illustrator) / 0590265849
- Bred Any Good Rooks Lately? / James Charlton and Mary Kornblum (Illustrator) / 0440214580
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