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Funny T-Shirt Slogans – Index

Every year in the summer Bob Levey publishes a column (often extended over two days) of humorous slogans printed on t-shirts.

Levey's keen-eyed readers report their sightings to him if they spot a t-shirt that makes them chuckle. Below are links to articles containing his favourites published since the summer of 1999.

2002 (b):Another Batch: Funniest T-Shirts of 2002
2002 (a):Here Goes: The Funniest T-Shirts of 2002
2001 (b):Yes, More Funniest T-Shirts of 2001
2001 (a):The Best T-Shirts of Summer, 2001
2000 (b):Yes, More Funniest T-Shirts of 2000
2000 (a):Voila! The Funniest T-Shirts of 2000
1999:A Gallery of Funniest T-Shirts of 1999

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