This is the world's biggest collection of phobia words – almost 650 in total. Although most are rare, they have all appeared in print. Where a word is marked 'syn. of' this indicates that it is a synonym of the following word. (In many cases this simply reflects spelling variations.) Sources are listed in brackets after each entry; see the footnotes for the meanings of the abbreviations.
ablutophobia | Fear of bathing. [ID, CE] |
acarophobia | Fear of mites or itching. [ID, CE] |
acerbophobia | syn. of acerophobia. [ID] |
acerophobia | Fear of sourness. [ID] |
achluophobia | Fear of darkness. [ID] |
acidophobia | Aversion (of plants) to acidic soil. [ID] |
acousticophobia | Fear of noise. [ID, CE] |
acrophobia | Fear of heights. [OED, ID, CE] |
aelurophobia | syn. of ailurophobia. [ID, CE] |
aeronausiphobia | Fear of aeroplanes/airplanes. [ID, CE] |
aerophobia | Fear of air and drafts. [OED, ID, CE, WP] |
agliophobia | syn. of algophobia. [CE] |
agoraphobia | Fear of open spaces. [OED, ID, CE, WP] |
agraphobia | Fear of sexual abuse. [ID, CE] |
agrizoophobia | Fear of wild animals. [ID] |
agyiophobia | Fear of streets. [ID] |
agyrophobia | syn. of agyiophobia. [ID] |
aibohphobia | Fear of palindromes. [WP] |
aichmophobia | Fear of knives and other sharp objects. [ID] |
aichurophobia | Fear of being touched by pointed objects. [CE] |
ailourophobia | syn. of ailurophobia. [ID] |
ailurophobia | Fear of cats. [OED, ID] |
airphobia | syn. of aerophobia. [ID] |
albuminurophobia | Fear of kidney disease. [ID] |
alcoholophobia | syn. of potophobia. [ID] |
alektorophobia | Fear of chickens. [ID, CE, WP] |
algophobia | Fear of pain. [OED, ID, CE] |
alliumphobia | Fear of garlic. [ID] |
allodoxaphobia | Fear of other people's opinions. [ID] |
altophobia | syn. of acrophobia. [ID] |
alychiphobia | syn. of kakorrhaphiophobia. [CE] |
amathophobia | Fear of dust. [ID, CE] |
amaxophobia | Fear of travelling in cars/automobiles. [ID, CE] |
ambulophobia | syn. of basiphobia. [ID, CE] |
amechophobia | syn. of amychophobia. [CE] |
amnesiophobia | Fear of amnesia. [ID, CE] |
amychophobia | Fear of being scratched. [ID] |
anablepophobia | Fear of looking up at high places. [ID] |
ancraophobia | syn. of anemophobia. [ID] |
androphobia | Fear of men. [ID, CE] |
anemiaphobia | syn. of anemophobia. [ID] |
anemophobia | Fear of cyclones or wind. [ID, CE] |
anginophobia | Fear of heart attacks. [ID] |
Anglophobia | Fear of England or the English. [OED, ID, CE] |
ankylophobia | Fear of immobility of a joint. [ID] |
anophelophobia | Fear of painful sexual intercourse. [ID] |
anthophobia | Fear of flowers. [ID, CE] |
anthropophobia | Fear of people. [OED, ID, CE] |
antlophobia | Fear of floods. [ID, CE] |
anuptaphobia | Fear of staying single. [ID, CE] |
apeirophobia | Fear of infinity. [ID, WP] |
aphephobia | syn. of haphephobia. [ID] |
apiophobia | syn. of apiphobia. [ID, CE] |
apiphobia | Fear of bees. [ID] |
aquaphobia | syn. of hydrophobia. [ID, CE] |
arachibutyro– phobia | Fear of getting peanut butter stuck to the roof of the mouth. [ID, CE, WP] |
arachnephobia | syn. of arachnophobia. [ID] |
arachniphobia | syn. of arachnophobia. [OED] |
arachnophobia | Fear of spiders. [OED, ID, CE] |
arithmophobia | Fear of numbers. [ID, CE] |
Armenophobia | Fear of Armenia or Armenians. [OED] |
arrhenophobia | syn. of androphobia. [ID] |
arsonophobia | syn. of pyrophobia. [ID] |
asthenophobia | Fear of weakness. [ID, CE] |
astraphobia | Fear of lightning. [ID, CE] |
astrapophobia | syn. of astraphobia. [ID] |
astrophobia | Fear of stars. [OED, ID, CE] |
ataxiophobia | Fear of disorder. [ID, CE] |
ataxophobia | syn. of ataxiophobia. [ID] |
atelophobia | Fear of imperfection. [ID, CE] |
atephobia | Fear of ruin. [ID] |
atychiphobia | syn. of kakorrhaphiophobia. [ID] |
aulophobia | Fear of flutes. [ID, WP] |
aurophobia | Fear of gold. [ID, WP] |
auroraphobia | Fear of the Northern Lights. [ID, CE] |
Austrophobia | Fear of Austria or Austrians. [OED] |
automysophobia | Fear of being dirty. [ID, CE] |
autophobia | (1) Fear of solitude; (2) syn. of aulophobia. [ID] |
aviatophobia | Fear of flying. [ID] |
bacilliphobia | Fear of bacilli (a type of bacterium). [CE] |
bacillophobia | Fear of germs. [ID] |
bacteriaphobia | Fear of bacteria. [CE] |
bacteriophobia | syn. of bacillophobia. [OED, ID] |
ballistophobia | Fear of missiles or being shot. [ID] |
ballistrophobia | syn. of ballistophobia. [CE] |
barophobia | Fear of gravity. [ID, CE, WP] |
basiphobia | Fear of walking. [ID] |
basistasiphobia | syn. of stasibasiphobia. [ID] |
basophobia | syn. of basiphobia. [ID, CE] |
basostasophobia | syn. of stasibasiphobia. [ID] |
batarachophobia | syn. of batrachophobia. [CE] |
bathmophobia | syn. of basiphobia. [ID] |
bathophobia | Fear of depth. [ID, CE] |
batophobia | Fear of passing a tall building. [ID, CE] |
batrachophobia | Fear of frogs and toads. [OED, ID] |
belonephobia | Fear of pins and needles. [ID] |
bibliophobia | Fear of books. [OED, ID, CE] |
blennophobia | Fear of slime. [ID, CE] |
blenophobia | syn. of belonephobia. [CE] |
bogyphobia | syn. of demonophobia. [OED, ID, CE] |
botanophobia | Fear of plants. [ID] |
bromidrosiphobia | Fear of body odour. [ID] |
bromidrosophobia | syn. of bromidrosiphobia. [CE] |
brontephobia | syn. of brontophobia. [ID] |
brontophobia | Fear of thunder. [OED, ID, CE] |