paedophobia | syn. of pedophobia. [ID] |
pamphobia | syn. of pantophobia. [OED, ID] |
panophobia | (1) syn. of pantophobia; (2) Fear of fears. [OED, ID, WP] |
panphobia | syn. of pantophobia. [OED, ID] |
pantaphobia | syn. of hypophobia. [OED, ID] |
panthophobia | syn. of nosophobia. [ID] |
pantophobia | Fear of everything. [OED, ID, CE] |
papaphobia | Fear of the Pope or the papacy. [OED, ID, CE, WP] |
papyrophobia | Fear of paper. [OED, ID] |
paralipophobia | Fear of neglecting a duty. [ID, CE] |
paraphobia | Fear of sexual perversion. [ID, CE] |
parasitophobia | Fear of parasites. [ID, CE] |
paronomasiaphobia | Fear of puns. [WP] |
parthenophobia | Fear of young girls or virgins. [ID, CE] |
paterophobia | Fear of the Fathers (of the early Church). [OED] |
pathophobia | syn. of nosophobia. [OED, ID] |
patroiophobia | Fear of hereditary disease. [ID] |
peccatiphobia | syn. of hamartophobia. [ID, CE] |
peccatophobia | syn. of hamartophobia. [ID] |
pediculophobia | Fear of lice. [OED, ID] |
pediophobia | Fear of children. [ID, CE] |
pedophobia | Fear of dolls or infants. [ID, CE] |
peladophobia | Fear of becoming bald. [ID, CE] |
pellagrophobia | Fear of pellagra (a disease caused by protein deficiency. [ID] |
peniaphobia | Fear of poverty. [ID, CE] |
pentheraphobia | Fear of one's mother-in-law. [ID, CE, WP] |
phagophobia | Fear of eating. [ID, CE] |
phalacrophobia | syn. of peladophobia. [ID] |
phallophobia | Fear of the male genitals. [ID, CE] |
pharmacophobia | Fear of medicinal drugs. [ID, CE] |
phasmophobia | Fear of ghosts. [ID, CE] |
phengophobia | syn. of heliophobia. [ID, CE] |
philemaphobia | Fear of kissing. [ID, CE] |
philematophobia | syn. of philemaphobia. [ID] |
philophobia | Fear of love. [ID, CE, WP] |
philosophobia | Fear of philosophy or philosophers. [OED, ID] |
phlebophobia | Fear of blood tests. [WP] |
phobia | A usually irrational fear, horror, or aversion to something. [OED] |
phobologophobia | Fear of phobia words. [ID, WP] |
phobophobia | Fear of fearing. [ID, CE] |
phonophobia | syn. of glossophobia. [OED, ID] |
photaugiaphobia | syn. of photaugiophobia. [ID] |
photaugiophobia | Fear of photalgia (eye pain caused by light). [ID] |
photophobia | Fear of light. [OED, ID, CE] |
phronemophobia | Fear of thinking. [ID, WP] |
phthiriophobia | syn. of pediculophobia. [ID] |
phthisiophobia | syn. of tuberculophobia. [OED, ID] |
phthisophobia | syn. of tuberculophobia. [ID] |
placophobia | Fear of tombstones. [ID, CE] |
pluviophobia | syn. of ombrophobia. [ID] |
pneumatophobia | syn. of aerophobia. [OED, ID] |
pnigerophobia | syn. of pnigophobia. [ID] |
pnigophobia | Fear of choking or smothering. [ID, CE] |
pocrescophobia | syn. of obesophobia. [ID] |
pogonophobia | Fear of beards. [ID, CE] |
poinephobia | Fear of punishment. [ID] |
policophobia | Fear of the police. [WP] |
politicophobia | Fear of politicians. [OED, ID, CE] |
polyphobia | Fear of many things. [OED, ID] |
ponophobia | Fear of fatigue. [ID, CE] |
poperyphobia | syn. of papaphobia. [OED] |
porphyrophobia | Fear of the colour purple. [ID] |
potamophobia | Fear of rivers. [ID] |
potomophobia | syn. of potamophobia. [CE] |
potophobia | Fear of alcoholic drink. [ID] |
primeisodophobia | Fear of losing one's virginity. [ID] |
proctophobia | Fear of rectal disease. [ID, CE] |
profundophobia | Fear of depth. [WP] |
prosophobia | Fear of progress. [ID, CE, WP] |
proteinphobia | Fear of protein foods. [ID] |
psellismophobia | Fear of stuttering. [ID, CE] |
pseudohydrophobia | Animal disease with symptoms similar to rabies. [ID] |
psychophobia | Fear of minds. [ID] |
psychrophobia | syn. of cheimaphobia. [OED, ID] |
pteronophobia | Fear of feathers. [ID, CE, WP] |
pyrexeophobia | syn. of febriphobia. [ID] |
pyrexiophobia | syn. of febriphobia. [ID] |
pyrophobia | Fear of fire. [OED, ID, CE] |