This is the world's biggest collection of phobia words – almost 650 in total. Although most are rare, they have all appeared in print. Where a word is marked 'syn. of' this indicates that it is a synonym of the following word. (In many cases this simply reflects spelling variations.) Sources are listed in brackets after each entry; see the footnotes for the meanings of the abbreviations.
cacophobia | Fear of ugliness. [CE] |
cacophonophobia | Fear of bad music. [WP] |
cainophobia | syn. of kainophobia. [ID, CE] |
cainotophobia | syn. of kainophobia. [ID] |
calciphobia | Inability (of plants) to grow in lime-rich soil. [ID] |
cancerophobia | syn. of carcinophobia. [ID] |
cancerphobia | syn. of carcinophobia. [ID] |
carcinomatophobia | syn. of carcinophobia. [ID] |
carcinophobia | Fear of cancer. [ID, CE] |
cardiophobia | Fear of heart disease. [ID, CE] |
carnophobia | Fear of meat. [ID, CE, WP] |
catagelophobia | Fear of ridicule. [ID] |
catapedaphobia | Fear of jumping, from both high and low places. [ID] |
cathisophobia | syn. of thaasophobia. [ID, CE] |
catophtrophobia | syn. of catoptrophobia. [CE] |
catoptrophobia | Fear of mirrors. [ID] |
celtophobia | Fear of Celtic people. [ID] |
cenophobia | syn. of agoraphobia. [ID] |
cenotophobia | syn. of kainophobia. [ID] |
centophobia | syn. of agoraphobia. [CE] |
ceraunophobia | syn. of keraunophobia. [ID] |
chactophobia | syn. of trichophobia. [CE] |
chaetophobia | syn. of trichophobia. [ID] |
cheimaphobia | Fear of cold. [ID, CE] |
cheimatophobia | syn. of cheimaphobia. [ID] |
cherophobia | Fear of gaiety. [ID, CE, WP] |
chidophobia | Fear of insect stings. [CE] |
chionophobia | Fear of snow. [ID, CE] |
chiraptophobia | syn. of haphephobia. [CE] |
choleraphobia | Fear of cholera, an infectious intestinal disorder. [OED] |
cholerophobia | Fear of cholera. [ID] |
chorophobia | Fear of dancing. [ID, CE] |
chrematophobia | Fear of wealth. [ID, CE] |
chromatophobia | syn. of chromophobia. [ID] |
chrometophobia | syn. of chrematophobia. [ID] |
chromophobia | Fear of colours. [ID, CE] |
chronophobia | Fear of time. [ID, CE, WP] |
cibophobia | syn. of sitophobia. [ID, CE] |
claustrophobia | Fear of closed spaces. [OED, ID, CE, WP] |
cleisiophobia | syn. of claustrophobia. [ID] |
cleithrophobia | syn. of claustrophobia. [ID] |
cleptophobia | syn. of kleptophobia. [ID] |
climacophobia | Fear of stairs. [ID, CE] |
clinophobia | Fear of going to bed. [ID, CE] |
clithrophobia | syn. of claustrophobia. [ID] |
cnidophobia | syn. of chidophobia. [ID] |
coimetrophobia | Fear of cemeteries. [ID, CE] |
coitophobia | Fear of sexual intercourse. [ID, CE] |
colorphobia | Fear of people of a particular colour. [OED] |
cometophobia | Fear of comets. [ID, CE] |
contrectophobia | syn. of agraphobia. [ID] |
coprophobia | Fear of excrement. [OED, ID, CE] |
coprostasophobia | Fear of constipation. [ID, CE] |
corpulophobia | Fear of widths. [WP] |
counterphobia | Seeking that which one fears. [ID] |
cremnophobia | Fear of precipices. [OED, ID, CE] |
criticophobia | Fear of critics or criticism. [OED] |
cryophobia | Fear of ice. [ID, CE] |
crystallophobia | Fear of glass. [ID, CE] |
cyberphobia | Fear of computers. [OED, CE] |
cyclophobia | Fear of cyclists or cycling. [OED] |
cymophobia | Fear of waves. [ID, CE] |
cynophobia | Fear of dogs or rabies. [OED, ID, CE] |
cyprianophobia | Fear of prostitutes. [ID, CE] |
cypridophobia | Fear of venereal disease. [ID] |
cyprinophobia | Fear of lewd women. [ID] |
cypriphobia | syn. of cypridophobia. [ID] |
daemonophobia | syn. of demonophobia. [ID] |
decidophobia | Fear of making decisions. [ID, CE] |
defecalgesio- phobia | Fear of painful defecation. [ID, CE] |
deipnophobia | Fear of dining or dinner conversation. [OED, ID, CE] |
dementophobia | syn. of maniaphobia. [CE] |
demonophobia | Fear of demons (spirits, goblins, etc.). [OED, ID] |
demophobia | syn. of ochlophobia. [ID, CE] |
dendrophobia | Fear of trees. [ID, CE] |
dentophobia | Fear of going to the dentist. [CE] |
dermatopatho- phobia | syn. of dermatophobia. [ID] |
dermatophobia | Fear of skin disease. [ID, CE] |
dermatosiophobia | syn. of dermatophobia. [ID] |
dextrophobia | Fear of rightness and things to the right. [ID, WP] |
diabetophobia | Fear of diabetes. [ID] |
diametrophobia | syn. of corpulophobia. [WP] |
didaskaleino- phobia | Fear of going to school. [CE] |
dikephobia | Fear of justice. [ID, WP] |
dinophobia | Fear of dizziness or whirlpools. [ID, CE] |
diplopiaphobia | Fear of double vision. [ID, CE] |
diplychiphobia | syn. of dystychiphobia. [CE] |
dipsomanophobia | syn. of potophobia. [ID] |
dipsophobia | syn. of potophobia. [ID, CE] |
dishabillophobia | Fear of undressing in front of someone. [ID] |
domatophobia | syn. of ecophobia. [ID, CE] |
doraphobia | Fear of fur. [ID, CE] |
dromophobia | Fear of crossing streets. [ID, CE] |
dysmorphophobia | Fear of deformity. [OED, ID, CE] |
dystychiphobia | Fear of accidents. [ID, CE] |