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The index is arranged like the indices found in books. Subject headings are arranged alphabetically, with clickable subheadings that take you directly to specific topics. Note that people's names are indexed by surname.

Index Pages: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Sarcastic definitions in "The Devil's Dictionary"
Sardonic wit in "The Devil's Dictionary"
Scrabble game that scores 1830 in a single turn
Scrabble game that scores 1830 in a single turn
Scrabble game that scores 1962 in a single turn
See's Saw and Soar's Seesaw:
"See's Saw and Soar's Seesaw" and other tongue twister poems
Shackle, Eric:
"Boston's Apostrophe Man" by Eric Shackle
"Doolittle and Dalley and other Comical Business Names" by Eric Shackle
"Double English: Worse than Double Dutch!" by Eric Shackle
"Easy to Say, But Hard to Spell" by Eric Shackle
"Moolah, marigolds... and a macaroni!?!" by Eric Shackle
"Names are so Tough for Hitchmough and Rough" by Eric Shackle
"Newspaper Nonsense (anagram: new, sane pen on press)" by Eric Shackle
"Play The Internet Namesakes Game" by Eric Shackle
"Sad Death of the Hyp-hen that caused Mans-laughter" by Eric Shackle
"Thailand Has World's Longest Place Name" by Eric Shackle
"The World's First Crossword Puzzle" by Eric Shackle
"Travel from Å to Y by Internet" by Eric Shackle
"Who Wrote World's Shortest Poem?" by Eric Shackle
Shakespeare, William:
Anagrams of "William Shakespeare"
Anagrams of passages from Shakespeare's works
Oxymorons in the works of William Shakespeare
She Sells Seashells:
"She sells seashells by the seashore" and other tongue twisters
Sibyl (Judith Bagai):
Term "ambigram" coined by Sibyl
Hilarious signs: photos from around the world
Silverstein, Shel:
Did Shel Silverstein write the poem "Fleas"?
Books on Internet slang
Books on slang
Cockney rhyming slang examples
Overview of rhyming slang
Sleeping Beauty:
Spoonerism Story: "Beeping Sleauty"
Slip of the Tongue:
"Tips of the Slung"
Overview of malapropisms including Slips of the Tongue
Overview of spoonerisms
Humorous T-shirt slogans
Books on smileys / smilies
Smileys / smilies (emoticons)
Souci, Sans:
Term "antigram" coined by Sans Souci
Definition of spamagram
Spears, Britney:
Anagram of "Britney Spears"
Confusing English spelling
Heteronyms: words with the same spellings & different pronunciations
Irregular plurals and spellings in the English language
List of words that end in "phobia" (fear, hatred)
Long words: the longest place name
Longest word in the English Language
Mnemonics to help you remember how to spell tricky words
Most commonly misspelled words
Short words: the world's shortest place names (Å and Y)
Words ending in "cide" (killing, death)
Words that are difficult to spell
Words that end in "gry"
Words with alphabetic sequences
Spooner, Rev. William Archibald:
History of Reverend William Archibald Spooner
Reverend William Archibald Spooner: the man behind Spoonerisms
Spoonerisms attributed to Reverend William Archibald Spooner
Books about spoonerisms
Definition of spoonerism
Examples of funny Spoonerisms
History of spoonerisms
Overview of spoonerisms
Playing card spoonerisms
Spoonerism Story: "Ali Theeva and the Forty Babs"
Spoonerism Story: "Beeping Sleauty"
Spoonerism Story: "Goldybear and the Three Locks"
Spoonerism Story: "Prinderella and the Cince"
Spoonerism Story: "The Pea Little Thrigs"
Spoonerisms attributed to Reverend William Archibald Spooner
Steele, Guy:
Panama palindrome by Guy Steele
Stein, Peter:
Palindromes by Peter Stein
Stoopnagle, Colonel:
Spoonerism Story by Colonel Stoopnagle: "Ali Theeva and the Forty Babs"
Spoonerism Story by Colonel Stoopnagle: "Beeping Sleauty"
Spoonerism Story by Colonel Stoopnagle: "Prinderella and the Cince"
Spoonerisms: Colonel Stoopnagle
Subalphabetic Word:
Definition and examples of subalphabetic words
Symmetrical Word:
Definition and examples of symmetrical words
Definition and examples of symmetrical words
Definition of synanagram
Examples of synanagrams
Books of synonyms: thesaurus books
Definition of synonym

Index Pages: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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